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Julia Xu
Link to English Translation 综合最近几个圈子的消息,看来现在高端消费是真的崩盘了。 第一个,豪车。不管是新车还是二手车,都处于价格崩盘、市场崩盘的状态。 现在,宝马735普遍有20多个点的优惠,曾经需要加价的中规版奔驰GS直降10万,这甚至让平行...

Julia Xu
China's Consumer Market Collapse: A Comprehensive Overview
Translation of 消费大崩盘 an analysis of market intel Recently, it seems that the high-end consumer market in China is experiencing a real...

Julia Xu
Reflections on the Current World Situation
To begin, we must delve into the domestic issues of the United States and seek to identify areas of bipartisan agreement. Take, for...
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